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2023年,我们庆祝了费城卫生伙伴关系成立25周年. 自1997年成立以来, 我们与当地社区组织合作,努力增加获得优质服务的机会, 公平的护理和服务,解决健康的经济和社会驱动因素. 今天, our grantmaking 和 advocacy focuses on achieving greater equity in health 和 种族平等 with a special interest in children’s health 和 development at every stage in the early years of growth including perinatal care. 了解更多十大靠谱彩票平台的历史和周年纪念活动.



1997年10月 第一医院十大靠谱彩票平台 is established as part of the merger between Pennsylvania Hospital 和 the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. 我们的职责是使 宾夕法尼亚医院的见义勇为使命 正如1751年提出的那样. 我们的 secondary purpose is to support the preservation of historic artifacts 和 memorials at Pennsylvania Hospital.

在我们经营的头几年里, 该十大靠谱彩票平台的使命是支持非营利组织的项目和服务解决 健康和幸福 费城最脆弱和服务不足的人群, 特拉华州, 切斯特, 蒙哥马利, 和巴克斯县.


1999年,我们向12个非营利组织提供了第一笔总额为60万美元的赠款. 推进 卫生公平 是我们资助的核心. 在未来十年,我们的资助目标是:

  • 改善没有保险的人获得优质保健和行为保健服务的机会, under-insured, 医疗服务不足;
  • 减少公共卫生风险;
  • 促进儿童和家庭的健康和福祉,特别是围产期护理;
  • 为处境危险的儿童和有特殊需要的人群提供支持;
  • 教育、培训和倡导改善卫生保健结果;
  • 开发可复制的、创新的医疗保健服务方法.

我们将人员,组织和资源整合在一起 五县都市圈, 特别是在费城, to advance knowledge in the field 和 to make a positive difference in the 健康和幸福 of those in need.


我们的资助发展到解决 健康的社会和经济驱动因素 除了增加与护理的直接联系. We support programs to prevent 和 respond to intimate partner 和 family violence 和 to increase access to healthy food. 我们启动了一项战略,重点是在初级保健中整合行为健康服务.

2009年,我们 赠款超过1000万美元 授予.


  • Family Practice 和 Counseling Network’s 11th Street Family Health Services of Drexel University’s development of Primary Care Behavioral Health model of care for children 和 家庭;
  • MANNA’s launch of the “Food is Medicine” research project to demonstrate the effectiveness of their home-delivered meal 和 counseling program at lowering health care costs 和 improving individual health outcomes;
  • Women Against Abuse’s establishment of behavioral health services in emergency 和 transitional 住房.


我们培育伙伴关系, 包括保健提供者和社区组织之间, 促进卫生公平.

2009年, 祝福你 健康诊所在费城南部成立 拉丁裔社区保健项目 宾夕法尼亚医院妇产科为移民家庭提供免费医疗. 为了支持这一合作,我们在八年内投资了近85万美元.

2011年,我们颁发了第一个 医疗法律伙伴关系(MLP) 拨款予残疾人士法律诊所,在圣. 克里斯托弗儿童医院. 截至2022年,我们已经投资了近1美元.700万在MLP程序与LCD, 费城法律援助, 社区法律服务, 和工作中的正义.

In 2011, we also launch a seven-year investment to help meet the unmet vision needs of thous和s of children in Philadelphia by supporting 让孩子有视力日, 儿童和青少年公民协会(现为儿童优先)的合作努力, 威尔斯眼科研究所, 鹰慈善十大靠谱彩票平台, 和圣. 克里斯托弗儿童医院等等.


我们与社区组织合作,重点关注 政策、制度和结构变化. We support organizations like Pennsylvania Health Access Network 和 Children First to advocate 和 organize for issues like access to health insurance 和 public benefits, 安全和健康的住房条件, 儿童铅中毒预防.

In 2016, we launch a four-year project to support community members to navigate Pennsylvania’s transition to m和atory managed care for long-term services 和 support through 社区HealthChoices. 2017年,我们开发了一个 快速反应补助金 process to support nonprofits responding to time-sensitive challenges including policy 和 system changes.


十大靠谱彩票平台成立近二十年后,我们的董事会开展了一项 战略规划过程 to adapt to the changing health care environment 和 focus our resources to have the greatest impact. 我们同意,个人面临的复杂和相互关联的问题, 家庭, 只有通过长期努力才能解决社区问题, 重大奖助金, 持续投资.

2018年,我们推出新名称为 费城卫生伙伴关系. 我们将费城定义为我们的主要地理区域,并分享一个精致的愿景, 任务, 以及指导原则 战略行动 关于幼儿健康和发展以及保健方面的公平.

19年,4美元.0 million in grants to support the preservation of the historical artifacts 和 memorials at Pennsylvania Hospital, 十大靠谱彩票平台设立了 宾夕法尼亚医院文物捐赠基金 来维持我们的创始使命.


我们的 幼儿战略倡议 是为了促进儿童的健康和发展而建立的吗 产前至五岁 作为终身幸福的基石. We fund programs 和 partnerships focused on supporting positive relationships 和 early experiences that set children on the pathway to thrive.

我们的 initiative builds on our long-term history of support for local maternal 和 child health organizations like Maternity Care Coalition. 新的受助伙伴包括ParentChild+, 宾夕法尼亚州儿童伙伴关系, 费城儿童医院政策实验室, 教育法律中心. 2020年,我们将提供一项为期三年的幼儿补助金,以扩大 依恋生物行为追赶(ABC)计划 在费城婴幼儿早期干预项目中.


我们发展我们的 保健平等战略倡议 推动我们的信念取得进步,达到最佳的身体状态, 精神, 一生的社会福利是一项人权. 我们扩大对提供医疗服务的移民和难民服务组织的支持, 导航, 以及病例管理服务,包括非洲家庭卫生组织, La Puerta Abierta, 民族服务中心, 和SEAMAAC.

2020年,我们将向社区组织提供54.9万美元的快速反应赠款 COVID-19对健康和经济的影响. We sharpen our focus on the disparities revealed 和 exacerbated by the p和emic including advancing 种族平等: supporting equitable opportunities 和 outcomes for individuals 和 groups impacted by structural racism 和 historic injustice 和 colonialism.


2022年,我们将发射 培养, 连接, 提倡, 引领 沟通我们的资助和倡导优先事项的框架. 我们还提供多年期补助金,支持两个新的幼儿伙伴关系:

  • A HealthySteps飞行员 at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to integrate early childhood development 和 parenting/caregiving supports in pediatric primary care;
  • a的设计与实现 家长和照顾者主导的资助过程 由面包 & 玫瑰社区基金 to resource early childhood organizing, advocacy, 和 community action projects.

随着我们进入2023年,我们准备扩大对 围产期保健和福利 并开发新的推广机会 种族平等多样性、公平和包容 在卫生和人类服务部门.


Not only does PHP have a forward-thinking approach to philanthropy that relies on trust 和 mutual respect; they serve as a true thought partner as we work through projects, 宣传策略, 以及衡量我们的影响.


This has been less of a funder-grantee relationship 和 more of partners working together to achieve the same goal, 是什么导致了透明度和意向性.  Their underst和ing 和 flexibility have been so helpful for a growing community-based organization.


除了提供重要的财政支持, PHP leadership is on the front lines advocating for change that will have a true impact on 卫生公平. 从本质上说——“他们会走到最后。.”


We are proud to join PHP in moving money to advance 种族平等 和 卫生公平 和 in elevating the voices 和 leadership of the people 和 communities who have the most at stake.

——面包 & 玫瑰社区基金

We appreciate that PHP doesn’t shy away from challenges 和 trusts us to do what we do best including supporting our advocacy efforts to exp和 health care access to undocumented children 和 end the risk of childhood lead poisoning.


作为合作伙伴, PHP has consistently encouraged us to think about what we are learning 和 how we can apply this information to better serve our clients. 这不仅仅是数字的问题.


PHP’s support allows us to advance the rights of our youngest learners to ensure that they are able to develop a foundation for lifelong learning 和 health.


PHP has supported us to make connections with other resources that have helped us improve 和 exp和 our work with community members who are too often left out of mainstream supports.

- La Puerta Abierta

PHP的融资方式是值得高度赞扬的. They are apprised of the community needs 和 work with us closely to ensure that we have what we need to serve our community.

- HUNE (Hispanos Unidos para Niños Excepcionales)

PHP’s support makes it possible for our team to advocate on behalf of patients to address social determinants of health. 除非我们的客户能够获得福利,否则健康不平等将持续存在, 住房, 收入支持, 家庭稳定.



在大费城地区支持非营利组织20年之后, we took a moment on Wednesday afternoon to celebrate the launch of our new name 和 priorities as 费城卫生伙伴关系.

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